Thursday, 17 March 2022 – The Culinary Education Study Program has held lectures on ICT Literacy and Culinary Learning Media by presenting guest lectures. The theme this time was Information Communication Technology and Learning Media for Vocational with expert speakers in Learning Media Technology, namely Mr. M. Lookman Hossain, B.Sc, M.Sc, M.Pd consultant at MIP Software Solution from Bangladesh and Mr. Jonah Mupita, M.Pd teacher Ruya Adventist High School from Zimbabwe, South Africa. The activity is carried out online through the Teleconference Zoom Meeting application which starts at 10.00 AM. This program has become an important part of the teaching and learning process because the presenters often present their experiences and expertise directly in the field according to their expertise.
The team of lecturers who teach courses Dr. Yulia Rahmawati, M.Si, Dra. Atat Siti Nurani, M.Si, Nia Lestari, M.Pd and Asep Maosul, M.Pd said that the experiences shared by the guest speakers could not only enhance the educational experience for students, but also enrich the perspectives of various insights and experiences that cannot be shared obtained elsewhere.
Lecture activities were opened by Dr. Yulia Rahmawati, M.Si, followed by Nia Lestari, M.Pd as MC and moderated by Asep Maosul, M.Pd as a lecturer in ICT Literacy and Culinary Learning Media courses which was then continued with material presentations by resource persons. After completing the presentation, students are given the opportunity to conduct a question and answer session. The activity closed with a group photo activity. The resource person hopes that the presentation and question and answer session delivered can be useful for all participants in their respective implementations.