1. Respondents
The target respondents are alumni who have graduated in the last three years. However, in this survey, many alumni from various generations also filled out the survey. Those who changed the data also filled out this survey—the respondents who filled out the alumni were 111 people consisting of various years of graduation. Respondents who are participated are from graduates of 2014 to 2020. Respondents are dominated by graduates in 2017 (about 30%).
2. Waiting Period to Work
The waiting period for graduates to land their first job is quite various. As many as 77% or most of the alumni wait for their first job between 0 to 6 months. However, 23% of alumni got their first job for more than six months. Data on the waiting period for graduates to get their first job are as follows:
3. Work
The type of alumni work varies, including in the field of education, culinary, and fields outside those two. In general, 55% of the alumni working in the education sector or 61 of 111 respondents. The data shows that 27% or 30 alumni have become entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, 15% or 17 alumni have worked in the food and beverage sector. The data also shows employment data from 3% or 3 other alumni.
4. Graduates’ satisfaction with the benefits of lectures
Regarding the alumni satisfaction with learning in the Culinary Education Study Program, most of the respondents (85%) stated that they were very satisfied with the implementation of the learning provided by the lecturer in the Culinary Education Study Program, the remaining 15% were satisfied with the learning implementation provided by the lecturer in the Culinary Education Study Program.