Dra. Atat siti Nurani, M.Si

NIP. 19600225 198803 2 001

Associate Professor

Full name & title Dra.  Atat siti Nurani, M.Si
Date of Birth 25 february 1960
Years with Firm/Entity  

34 years

Nationality Indonesia
E-mail [email protected]
Sinta Profile https://bit.ly/3l1DMOr
Google Schooler https://bit.ly/3O9yspl
Membership of profesional Societis


   1.  ICA (Indonesian Chef Association)

2.  Indonesian Vocational Teacher Lecturer Association.

3.  Association of Indonesian Vocational Lecturers and Teachers  (ADGVI)

4.  IKA

Detail Task Assigned 1.     Curriculum Development Team

2.     Coordination of Professional Certification Institute (LSP)

Last grade and position



Associate Professor – Gol. IV/a

Key Qualifications   Asian Food


Education 1.       Master’s degree (S2), community nutrition and family resources. Institut Pertanian Bogor

2.       Bachelor’s degree (S1), Family welfare education (culinary), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Selected Publication


1.     The working attitude of the waitress in the subject of food and beverage service for class XI students of SMKN 3. Cimahi

2.     Preservation and acceptance of pineapple sauce as a typical souvenir of Subang

3.     preservation of the corpse cake as a traditional arrowroot cake.

4.     Acceptance of wajirt jackfruit as a variant of wajit typical of Cililin West Bandung

5.     burayot as a traditional Garut cake


Recognitions   Speakers

1.     Vocational skills-based Culinary and Business Training for youthSOS Children Village Indonesia

Teaching material

1.       Compiler of PPG teaching materials in Hybrid Learning Position

Guest Lecture

1.     Universitas Terbuka